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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It’s funny people talking about how things are done in the U.S. and giving different answers.

    Yeah, different states have different requirements and processes.

    In Kansas, when I got my original license in the 90s it cost like $60 total to get the first one and ever since it has been somewhere between 10-30 or so to renew every 6ish years or something. Originally you had to take a written test that you could fill in at home. Just ridiculously cheap and no real barriers. We also don’t have any kind of emissions requirements for non-commercial vehicles. The lax requirements for driving and emissions is probably the result of the farming lobby.

  • And more specifically, whether parents can deny a reversible puberty delaying hormone treatment against the patient’s wishes and force the patient to undergo puberty against their will.

    I don’t see anything about puberty blockers in the posts I was responding too, just a general statement about a single doctor and treatment, which is extremely vague so I just commented about the single doctor part. Treatment could also be simply presenting, it could be puberty blockers, and it could possibly be some kind of surgery for extreme cases of dysphoria although the last one is unlikely to be on the table without parents being on board in the first case.

    The question is so vaguely worded and transitioning is such a broad description of so many things that it is likely to cause this kind of conflict with people who agree that a child who is trans should have autonomy in making their own decisions. Parents should be supportive, but I just hesitate to consider them abusive because there are also rare cases where the child is actually just unhappy with going through puberty and not actually trans but have difficulty describing it.

    Would I think someone who opposed their kid who said they were trans since they were five going on puberty blockers is being abusive? Yes.

    Would I think someone who opposed their kid who suddenly say they were trans when puberty hits along with describing the reason being that they don’t like having periods while still being find being called she/her going on puberty blockers is being abusive? Nope, that parent is probably paying better attention to their child’s need for support as they go through puberty.

    This is a big and complicated topic and a simple ‘child and doctor say X so parent is abusive’ is fine as a default assumption as long as there is room for the doctor to be wrong and the child to be confused.