My Lemmy themes at

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetworking Dilemma
    8 days ago

    If it were me and there was no way to have an additional drop installed from the exterior, I would still consider running a single cable through the living space to your desired location, as discreetly as possible.

    It’s difficult to suggest exactly how to do so without pics or a floorplan, but I would try to match the wall or trim color and keep the cable tucked close to the floor and/or ceiling throughout the run.

    Once in place, the cable will quickly disappear into your surroundings and you’ll be left with rock solid reliable networking.

  • I’m happy to see it’s finally happening, and I hope they left its implementation flexible.

    What I’d really love to see (aside from triple buffer) is a real solution to the system tray situation. AppIndicator is problematic for some apps and under certain X11/Wayland desktops, and even when it works well it is cumbersome to use compared to traditional tray implementations. Hoping we see a new approach soon.

    In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying a revisit to KDE Plasma under Kinoite and I have to say I’m really impressed with both DEs!

  • I can’t speak to Nobara, but Arch with KDE would be my vote if tweaking, documentation, and freshness (with potential instability) are the priorities.

    Arch wins with respect to documentation; hands down, it’s the best documented Linux distro in existence. KDE provides a ton of customization via GUI, and gaming is easily obtainable and quite good on any distro, largely due to Flatpak.

    Where you might run afoul is the command line. I couldn’t imagine running Arch without regular terminal use, but I’m sure you could get by for most tasks once KDE is up and running.

  • My Application Launcher menu is very slow with bad performance. It always freezes for half a second goes loads when I move mouse and freezes again. Does anyone experience this issue?

    Assuming you’re referring to KDE, I experienced this as well when I changed my default session from GNOME to KDE. There was something in my dotfiles that was affecting KDE’s overall responsiveness, because the performance was perfectly fine when tested in a brand new profile. Ultimately, I resolved it by cleaning up my ~/.config and ~/.local folders.

  • Interesting. I followed the documentation from the various distros (Arch, Debian, and openSUSE), and added the following to /etc/sddm.conf.d/10-autologin.conf:

    Session=plasma (I've also tried plasma.desktop here)

    I’ve confirmed that plasma.desktop exists in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ and it’s the session I normally select regardless of DM used.

    I’ve also tried placing the autologin text in /etc/sddm.conf, /etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin, and the default /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf. No matter where it’s saved, the settings are ignored and I’m brought right back to the greeter upon reboot. Nothing is logged in journald and SDDM doesn’t write to its own log in /var/log.

    I’ve also tried the above with and without the KDE Wallet service enabled (I normally keep it disabled).

    If I use the System Settings GUI to set the above details (via Colors & Themes > Login Screen (SDDM) > Behavior), the System Settings app crashes upon close. I’ve had multiple updates since rebasing to Kinoite, so the chance of a corrupted package is nil.

    Something is definitely afoot.