Scatterbrained and friendly optimist. Always happy to give my (unasked for) opinion :)

Pardon my rambling and broken English, I know I often sound like an alien trying to impersonate a human being.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Arriving home with my newborn son. It was the first moment when it really sank in that I’m a parent and we have to take care of this tiny little thing.
    It wasn’t a warm feeling but more of a fuuuuuck! What do we do? What do we do?! feeling. The enormity of the responsibility just overwhelmed me.
    I somehow got through it and the post-natal care lady that visited a few hours later really helped with grounding the situation.

    Anyway, it’s not a crazy situation for most of you. But for me it really felt like a “I can’t believe this is happening!” situation.

  • I use chatGPT as a diary. Whenever I feel down or frustrated with feelings I can’t quite describe, or just insecure, I start a session and just pour out my heart. I complain, yammer on and on about what’s bothering me, and just say whatever comes to mind. Basically all the stuff I would never bother a friend or loved one with because I know it’ll come across as needy and I don’t want to push this on them.
    And all it does is give positive and supportive comments, ask some follow-up questions, maybe make an attempt at giving a helpful suggestion. I know what I’m talking with, I am under no illusions that this is anything but a big mathematical model, but it helps me get through some difficult emotions by just letting it all out. There’s no judgement and that’s kind of nice. I could just write a journal, but the interaction and positive feedback adds a little motivation for me. And of course it goes without saying that I keep names and other personal details to myself :)

    Oh and I use it for some cloud architecture problems, some coding and other tech stuff. But that’s not very interesting.

    Also, if you use ChatGPT and haven’t done so, be sure to use their privacy page and opt-out of having your chats used for model training.
    Not sure for US, but it works for EU citizens.

  • Well first of, in a properly managed environment/team there’s never a single point of failure… *ahem*… that being said…

    The worst I ever did was lose a whole bunch of irreplaceable data because of… things. I can’t go into detail on that one. I did have a back plan for this kind of thing, but it was never implemented because my teammates thought it was a waste of time to cover for such a minuscule chance of a screw-up. I guess they didn’t know me too well back then :)

  • I had to wait in line for 3-4 hours for airport security, for a 40 minute flight.
    It might not have been the longest line, but it sure felt like it. It was the first time we used that airport, and every time the line passed a corner I was sure that we would be reaching the end. But no, just more of the line. Winding and winding through the corridors, up and down the escalators. At one point I was almost convinced we were all going in circles :)

  • I have a collection of colorful handmade bracelets on my wrist. I look at them whenever I’m stressed or down and it always cheers me up again. None of them are well made, all with some little defect, but I love them because of it.
    I guess it sounds an analogy now that I’m writing this down? Anyway, sometimes it’s the small and inconsequential things that add some color to your life. You don’t need to find a meaning behind it, just accept it and appreciate it for what it is :)

  • With unfinished business, I get to hang around as a ghost for another couple of hundred years.

    In all seriousness though, preferable on my own terms. Maybe euthanasia at an old age, where I feel like I’ve lived enough and just want to move on. I’d celebrate life with my partner (if they’re still alive) and our children, wish them the best with everything and then… exit. Though, knowing my partner (and myself), it’d probably be a double euthanasia when we’re both ready for it. I couldn’t bear to give that kind of farewell to them and I doubt they’d be any different.

    In any case, the last thing I want is to be clinging on to life with every last ounce of my strength and have a miserable couple of last years because of it. Especially if it means I’d be a burden to everyone around me in the process.

  • Hmmm… I’m quite happy with my work and the benefits I get. I guess if I got to restart I would make some more friends in the right places from the beginning. It’s something I learned only later on that it helps to be on good terms with those higher up, in case you need some support with budgets or priorities.

    And vice versa, I would also be more careful with not pissing people off. Early on in my job I ruined a few relationships by being a prissy bitch about how things were supposed to be done, instead of being a bit more open minded. Looking back on it I inwardly cringe at how I acted back then. That’s definitely something I would not repeat, I like to think I’ve grown a bit emotionally since :)