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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Multi comms are a good idea, agreed.

    As for weak discoverability encouraging tendency to gather on larger comms…I agree, but I would just add that it does require motivated and proactive users. This isn’t a given. In my hypothetical, those people started their own communities about something they like, and had a few users but not many. Do they at some point decide to give up and search for another community? Or do they just forget about it because there’s never any activity and they don’t go there? How many searches should they do without finding anything?

    As a real life example of my own, I’m a Green Bay Packers fan. I wanted to find a place to take part in active discussions about the team. I joined what seemed to be the biggest community and posted a few things, commented in threads. Most would get one or maybe two replies. Often nothing. A month or two later I searched again and found a few more communities that had popped up. All around the same size and activity level. Joined them, also crickets. The members there didn’t congregate around a larger instance, they created more small instances and then all of them ended up largely abandoned.

    I don’t know exactly why that is, but I’ve had this experience with other topics too. Maybe instance tagging with a recommendation algorithm that suggests similar communities in the fediverse based on the community you’re in?

  • Yeah if Lemmy ever hits whatever saturation point is needed that niche communities are more relevant my participation will increase. As it is I’m honestly having to visit reddit occasionally to get answers from those niche type communities because they are simply non-existent here. There is nowhere but reddit to interact with these groups, as much as I hate that.

  • I was never a direct manager, but I’ve been in on the hiring process for many candidates. Great advice, top to bottom.

    When we interviewed we also liked to hear people say they’d Google it. It seems stupid but I want someone with the initiative to find the solution to a problem they’ve never seen.

    Also the thing about ownership is key, and for us was always an indicator of someone who might want to move up later. Help desk folks who want to move up do everything they can feasibly do and offer their take on what they think the next level needs to do before escalating. If it truly needs to be handed off then it’s because of permissions. But the best help desk people try to hang on to the ticket as long as they can so they can provide the most consistency to the end user.

  • The argument works exactly the same the other way. Your rationale is based on your own preferences.

    In a vacuum both tobacco and alcohol are destructive vices with no real discernible objective “benefits” to larger society. The argument against alcohol is exactly the same as the one against tobacco products. They harm the user and potentially those around them.

    I’m not saying that tobacco should be further regulated while alcohol is not. But I am saying that the rationale for alcohol regulation is ultimately based on a desire to limit destructive behavior, which is the same rationale for limits on tobacco. You cannot effectively argue for deregulation of tobacco while arguing for increased regulation of alcohol. They are two sides of the same coin.

  • This might be controversial, but for me it was Watchmen.

    I was really into the graphic novel when the movie was announced. They dropped this trailer with Smashing Pumpkins “The beginning is the End is the Beginning” playing over it and it was so good. Perfectly captured what I felt the tone of the graphic novel was. Gritty, forlorn, dark, contemplative.


    I must have watched that trailer 100 times before the movie came out. Then I saw the movie and it was weirdly campy and totally the opposite of the feel the trailer gave in a lot of places. Which in turn was very different from the feel I got from the graphic novel. I was so disappointed. I’ve never gone back to rewatch it, and I probably should because I think the consensus was that it’s a pretty good movie and being more than a decade removed from reading the book might help me appreciate the movie on its own merit a bit more.