Self Proclaimed Internet user and Administrator of Reddthat

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • It’s a sad day when something like this happens. Unfortunately with how the Lemmy’s All works it’s possible a huge amount of the initial downvotes are regular people not wanting to see the content, as downvotes are federated. This constituted as part of my original choices for disabling it when I started my instance. We had the gripes people are displaying here and it probably constituted to a lack in Reddthat’s growth potential.

    There needs to be work done not only for flairs, which I like the idea of, but for a curated All/Frontpage (per-instance). Too many times I see people unable to find communities or new content that piques their interest. Having to “wade through” All-New to find content might attribute to the current detriment as instead of a general niche they might want to enjoy they are bombarded with things they dislike.

    Tough problem to solve in a federated space. Hell… can’t even get every instance to update to 0.18.5 so federated moderation actions happen. If we can’t all decide on a common Lemmy instance version, I doubt we can ask our users to be subjected to not using the tools at their disposal. (up/down/report).

    Keep on Keeping on!

    Tiff - A fellow admin.

  • Oh that’s super nice!
    That’s why I asked if they were hiring. Sounds like a nice place to work. I work at a job that doesn’t allow me to have non-work time during my allotted on-work time. ie 9-5.

    Obviously I agree that this is definitely on the riskier side of the line, whether it crosses into NSFW territory is unfortunately dependant on everyone’s own definition.

    See the other comment(s) from Red that go into detail regarding what is going to be done regarding the future of the community and the riskiness.

    Removing the post at this time would not be for the benefit of the community when we can have active discussions on what we want the community to become.
    Unfortunately I have a feeling that some of the commenters here are from All and are not active subscribers. So they may not be used to seeing content like this. They also may not understand the difference between instances and the nuances with federation.

    Edit: This is the comment from Red regarding what we are going to do: