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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t wipe it unless it gets gummed up but honestly I’ve can’t think of anything where this happens anymore. All of my condiments are either jars or squeeze bottles. I never wipe squeeze bottles and they never get gummed up. Jars only get wiped if they somehow got a bunch of stuff in the grooves, which is excessively rare.

    That being said using a finger is nasty and I hope you guys don’t serve guests from those bottles.

  • Dude my parents chain smoked every day in a poorly ventilated mobile home. It was everywhere and we became noseblind unless it was directly wafting in our face (yuck). When I moved out everything was so much better. I was so happy to be able to breathe and not stink, however, I also left the house addicted to nicotine despite never having smoked myself.

    I’m strongly suspicious that some of my current health problems might be tied to second hand smoke.

    Edit: one thing I did to get around it was wash my clothes so that I’d have an outfit in the dryer (protected from smoke) to put on in the morning. Combined with morning showers I hope I didn’t smell that much.

  • The big boy band hits from the late 90s/00’s. I was pulling some edgy crap as a teenager and despised them at the time.

    Look, they’re catchy by design and denying it is futile.

    Yesterday I didn’t change the channel when I was listening to some personal high school nostalgia music and Bye Bye Bye came on after. It’s enjoyable and I wish I wasn’t such a cringey dramatic weirdo in high school even though we all pretty much are at that time in life.

  • Fairly worried. I limit plastic but even limited it’s in a lot. I want to install a filter on my washing machine to help catch micro plastics from my clothes. I have a septic but I think it would still be helpful in adding yet another barrier before they filter into groundwater.

    I’m a little more worried since they said that it will create blockages in your veins and arteries so you’re more likely to stroke the fuck out.

    Everything sucks and there isn’t much to do about it on the individual scale and the push to put the moral onus on consumers is fucking bullshit. I’m 90% certain the recycling service I pay extra for just dumps it with my regular garbage.

  • Short Answer: Sometimes, not as my primary drink and it really depends on the water. I’m very sensitive to tastes in it.

    Long unnecessary additional information: I am very particular about water and I could not drink anything when I visited Florida because everything tasted like nasty swamp water. Even locally sourced bottled water. We had to hunt for out of state or purified water to hydrate us for our vacation.

    In fact, most spring water is blech. Including “premium” bottled spring water like Fiji and Evian and such.

    But I do enjoy water from high quality aquifers. The best well water I’ve had was from a deep bedrock aquifer.

    At home I have a pretty advanced water purifier system to get that high quality H2O.

  • Well, it depends on the drink really.

    I personally prefer aspartame, I just like the taste more and even liked it when I still drank sugared drinks. Sucralose is also perfectly fine but I hated it back when I drank sugared drinks. It took my tastebuds changing to adapt to it. Stevia is okay, not my favorite, but I won’t shy away from it.

    It’s just personal preference. I’m sure people here will rant and rave about how this is all poison, I’m killing myself, and that everyone should only ever drink water.

    I missed the boat on forming a water habit. I grew up on really bad well water that wasn’t potable sometimes and even when it was safe (maybe?) it smelled strongly of sulfur. So my mom just made Koolaid with it to hide the smell and taste and that’s what we drank. It’s hard to imagine sitting down for a meal and not having a drink with flavor, you know?

    Should I have formed better habits as an adult? Yes. Am I killing myself by drinking diet drinks? Possibly.

    But I’m not too bothered by it. It’s not like I don’t drink water now.