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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I worked in Red River for about a year and a half and it was pretty great. It was like Colorado Lite up there, and presumably much more affordable–I just had a condo paid for by my employer so I dunno. It’d be tough to live there without a remote job, I admit.

    Taos was cool, but a little small/touristy. Santa Fe seemed great, but I heard it was expensive so I dunno. The rural areas did feel very impoverished overall.

    I agree that it had its own feel. The native New Mexicans I met out there were just kind of their own people doing their own thing. The state had those fruit/pepper/produce stands here and there on the side of the road that you’d see in like Brazil. The landscape and terrain was this pretty mixture of desert shrubland right adjacent to mountain cypress-type ecosystems, at least in all the places I went to.

    Would be worth going back again one day.

  • I spend a lot of time on Lemmy, sorted by Top>Day or whatever, which seems to provide mostly fresh stuff every morning. I’m on Telegram being an attention whore in my local art community/fandom/convention planning spaces. I browse art on websites, and Google like a madman in relation to my broken project car that I’m trying to restore. I am big into Outer Wilds, and was spending a lot of time on that up until recently. YouTube for offroad recovery videos (Trail Mater and Matt’s Offroad Recovery), which is silly because I don’t like offloading. It is fun to see the physics/mechanical aspect of how big truck recoveries work

    I like to work with artists from Europe, so sometimes I spend inordinate amounts of time trying to track people down on Russian Google/Facebook (Yandex/VK) haha

  • I’m from Oklahoma, and although it is an unfortunate place socially and politically, it’s pretty decent geographically and geologically. It is very flat around most of the state which is kind of boring, but it has some pretty great landscapes when you go looking for them. The biomes range from pine forest and rolling hills in the southeast, to prairie flatland/grasslands across the center of the state, to almost desert highlands in the northwest.

    There are “mountains”, but they’re so old that they’ve been eroded basically flat, down to their granite cores–one of the contributing factors to Oklahoma’ flatness, no doubt (not to mention it used to be under the sea, which is where our petroleum comes from). There are a few mesas and butes to the northwest, which stand out among the desert high plains, composed largely of red clay dirt and vibrant, sparkling gypsum/selenite/quartz cap rock.

    Check out the “Glass Mountains”. The thick layer of mineral deposit atop the these mesa structures would have been deposited during a great epoch of evaporation, increasing the concentration of minerals in the inland sea so greatly that they had no choice but to fall oit of solution–pretty wild.

    There’s also some sand dunes, but the ones in Colorado are way cooler.


  • Yeah, that was a dumb ban. I love trans people, have trans friends, and have been “close” with trans people. They are all begrudgingly aware that their biological “sex” parts can’t be changed on a whim, and that even with a sex change surgery, it is still medically impossible to fulfill the opposite roll in reproduction.

    I have thought about this at length and it does get messy, though. If we define “male” as someone who can deliver sperm and impregnate a “female”, then what about people who can’t reproduce? Does someone who can no longer produce sperm cease being male? And if not, aside from our “preconceptions”, what then is the actual difference between a biological male that can’t reproduce and a transgender male that has had all of the operations and looks male? I don’t have the answers, hah

  • Hate to say it, but I actually enjoy my job. Would I rather be playing video games and vacationing with friends in the mountains? Of course. But I’d also like to eat potato chips and pizza every day, which would get boring. I work in oil and gas, in environmental, and the money is decent and everyone is just trying really hard to do the right thing and meet government regulatory requirements at every step–regardless of mainstream anti-O&G sentiments. I deal with technical challenges, engineering complexity, and social diversity every day and my brain is better off for it than if I were just cozy on my couch instead. I do consider becoming self employed though–not because I hate my job, but because I would appreciate more control over my own life.

  • I tried switching from Jerboa to Voyager, but I have the weirdst issue with Voyager. I use the back button at the bottom of my phone to go back from posts to the main list. Unfortunately, after using RIF for so long, or SOMETHING, I can’t kick this habit where I press back too many times and the app closes, and I lose my place, and have to re-open and continue scrolling from the top. Maddening, and I don’t know how to fix it. v.v

  • Lately I’ve been focusing on what I can do to make other people happy. Most people will be selfish and they’ll never return anything at all. Some people will be weirded out, and they won’t want to know you at all. But eventually, you’ll find another weirdo like yourself. It’ll be fun to ask them how their day was, and then they’ll have fun asking you how your day was. And then you might realize that what is happening now is better than nothing happening at all, ever again.