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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • Depends. I can be me, an invisible, incorporeal observer or someone else. My POV changes depending on the action.
    I can dream in color, with nuances that cannot be expressed, or black and white. I can dream in pseudo-blindness where I don’t see anything, but I know what’s happening. I can dream in text where all I see are letters, well more like symbols… Full sentences aren’t part of my repertoire, but I can catch a word or two before they squiggle and change into incomprehensible garble.
    I can even simulate physics at times, but it’s not pleasant.
    I know it’s all me because I can become anyone and anything. I was a rock, a bullet, a bird, a fish, a dragon, the abyss, a tree, even the enemies I was fighting against when the plot took that direction. Nothing is fixed.

  • I’m sorry, but what constitutes as a “Westerner”?
    Seems a bit arbitrary to call people that when the planet is a spheroid.
    What if you’re the Westerner to the people east of you? Are you evil then?

    Besides, the only East vs West competition is for global powers. Any hatred between the two blurry lines is stoked by those with a political or economic interest.
    Regular people who aren’t influenced by such propaganda don’t really care about this whole East vs West thing. You shouldn’t either.

    It saddens me that the nearly 200 recognized countries in the world are being separated by an imaginary line that moves at the will of political nobodies.