For me it is always 3rd. Its almost like I’m an actor in my own dream. Few times I realize it, but then just wake up.

    5 months ago

    Depends. I can be me, an invisible, incorporeal observer or someone else. My POV changes depending on the action.
    I can dream in color, with nuances that cannot be expressed, or black and white. I can dream in pseudo-blindness where I don’t see anything, but I know what’s happening. I can dream in text where all I see are letters, well more like symbols… Full sentences aren’t part of my repertoire, but I can catch a word or two before they squiggle and change into incomprehensible garble.
    I can even simulate physics at times, but it’s not pleasant.
    I know it’s all me because I can become anyone and anything. I was a rock, a bullet, a bird, a fish, a dragon, the abyss, a tree, even the enemies I was fighting against when the plot took that direction. Nothing is fixed.