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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • Yes! This blog post is fantastic. I read your article through this archive link (since my phone is being finicky with the direct site) and loved it and I’m glad you wrote it! You totally nailed it on every point and voiced a lot of things I’ve noticed and concerns I’ve had.
    On the topic of non-anonymous reports: I’ve definitely already found myself hesitating or declining to make reports I feel should be made purely because they’re not anonymous. Sometimes because the people I want to report are admins. I’ve already had weird situations of people following me around to other posts because they disagree with me and I don’t want to add to that type of thing. Although I can understand that there are some potential upsides to being able to tell who is making reports, like to prevent misuse or spam… I dunno.

    Thanks a lot for sharing it with us here! and thank you for the warning at the top about mentioning CSAM - and for calling it CSAM and not the other, worse, seemingly more prevelent term. I appreciate it and I appreciate you! :)

  • Some or all of the servers you’ve tried may have them blocked. There’s a lot of them that signed the Fedipact promising to do so a while back when they first started talking about doing this.

    Or, it may just be that the servers you’re searching with/on just haven’t properly loaded it yet. I can’t currently remember the actual terms for it, because my brain is super-dookie (and I apologize,) so hopefully that makes enough sense 😅

    I haven’t tried to find it myself, but I’ve seen other people say they were able to find it from their Mastodon servers, so who knows!

    Also it could just be their own bugs or other fuckery, especially since they’re only just starting to test it out in the wild. Could be a mix of things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯