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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023

  • No. I didn’t much like Reddit but I have never had so many problems with a social media site as I have with Lemmy. Right now there’s 17 comments in my notifications page, but no way to access them because it just says “404 - page not found.” And there’s no way to view or erase them.

    Lemmy has tons of connectivity problems also. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d have to rate it minus 100. I’ve left Kbin and actually am no longer even using Lemmy but once in a grand while. I’m looking for other sites that will work better.

  • I hope people are OK with cis people being OK with themselves. I fully support trans people. I recently had a letter published in our local paper about how if trans people ever do act out, (this was in regard to a shooter who had identified as a trans person) it will be because of all the bigotry and hateful legislation driving them (and many others of us LGBTQ) to do something extreme.

    You get put down for being LGBTQ, and then you get put down for defending yourself whatever your gender or orientation. It’s a no-win situation.

  • That’s true also. And what’s weird is, I’m gay but I’ve known a couple guys who were cis and dressed up as females because, it felt empowering to them. And they were both straight in terms of their orientation, one had a girlfriend, the other guy was married.

    So it’s kind of strange to be a gay person who is friendly (which I am), people open up to me about all kinds of things and, it’s just assumed I will be OK with anything (because I’m gay? I guess) so, I’ve seen all kinds of things.

    For the most part I accept others no matter what, because we all need validation and we all need to feel that. But i do get push back when I post that I’m cis and happy to be cis, like that’s somehow unacceptable or disrespectful to others. It isn’t meant to be at all.

  • I’m a gay man who is happily embracing his cis-genderness but I would not shun trans people as the top figure in this graphic is doing. It seems like he’s totally averse to even thinking about the concept.

    Yet there’s a lot of hostility toward cis people being happy about being cis, though we are kind of expected to fully support trans people embracing being trans. And I do - I just want the same sort of respect for being happily cis-gendered. For me, my gayness is about embracing the masculine (in every sense) and loving being born male. I know that gender and sexuality are unique for everyone - so my philosophy is, whatever you wish to be, embrace it fully and love it.

  • I like your post. I agree in every way, I have never thought of weapons as being a basic human right. And I’m especially against weapons of death (guns and AR rifles, etc) being considered someone’s basic right.

    The truth is, people do not buy these things to defend themselves. Oh they tell themselves that’s what their doing, but then they turn around and use them to kill schoolkids or shoot at people on freeways because someone at McDonald’s got their order wrong (this has happened several times here in Utah).

    The truth is, humans are temperamental creatures prone to seeing other people not as human beings, but as problems. They can turn something quite otherwise harmless inanimate objects like baseball bats or crowbars or almost anything into a weapon, and they often do.

    So a people who use anything at reach to hurt others should never be given access to weapons designed to kill. That is just a total recipe for constant disaster, which is what is happening every day in our country.

  • All I can say is I truly embrace the fact that I’m a human and an omnivore. I don’t deny there are ethical horrors with the way animals are raised for slaughter, it’s quite disgusting in fact. But I ALSO can’t deny that I love eating meat off the bone - chicken wings, spare ribs, steak, you name it. When I’m eating meat I’m very happy indeed. And I don’t try to pretend I can justify it as somehow OK with regard to how the animals are slaughtered.

    I’m a walking contradiction in many regards. I don’t try to reconcile my love of meat with my love of animals. I have both, and they sometimes are in conflict. I eat all kinds of things, veggies and grains and all kinds of stuff, but my primary love is meat. I don’t deny it, and I don’t justify it. It is what it is, and so am I.

  • Everyone is coming from their own unique set of experiences. And really, as long as I still get my coffee at the coffee shop, and someone is holding an elevator door for me, what does it really matter in the long run. In less than a century, all of us now will be dead and gone, and no one will recall if were liberal, convervative, happy, sad, mean or nice, or even remember that we were here.

    Keeping that in mind I try to help other people when they need it and be more sympathetic - life is struggle for everyone.

  • I don’t think anyone gets to decide what a person “Should” be doing, who are these “should-ers” that get to make these decisions?

    It’s like putting a dead cow in a museum and calling it art. SHOULD it be art just because it’s there? Or SHOULD there be some explanation or clue as to what the “artist” who put the cow there is trying to say? It’s something I’ve thought about in relation to what constitutes art, and what doesn’t.

    My point here is just that in my view, it’s helpful to have some more input rather than just a link when it’s not apparent why the link matters or might be significant.

  • I think in growing up I’ve become less prone to looking at everyone else in the world as an idiot. You know how when you’re in your 20s and 30s, you’re driving around flipping everyone off because you think everyone around you is an idiot and a know-nothing.

    The older I’ve gotten the more I realize most people, most creatures in fact, are just bopping along trying to survive and get what they can from life. I guess I’ve gotten less judgmental and more empathetic, seeing most problems as a process problem, and not necessarily the result of a confederacy of idiots out there trying to ruin my life.

  • It looks like the carpet between the kitchen and my library. My commute is all of 100 feet or so down a portrait-lined hallway to the computer. And that’s it. And I work for myself, (a part time writer) so i don’t really have to struggle with the daily grind of cars, buses, trains, etc.

    But - we do have a pretty nifty Trax system here in Utah for commuters going cross town or from downtown to the University. I’d probably use that if I was still working.