Like that thing that something something sign of a good mind is abillity to hold two conflicting thoughts and something/can’t remember the rest

Also, what is that thing/saying, anyone know? Not cognitive dissonance

    8 months ago

    I think it’s a sign of intelligence to be able to recognize the potential flaws and fallacies in your own thinking, and to acknowledge that your ideas are just opinions based on your OWN experience, not necessarily the same for everyone across the board.

    Walt Whitman said, “If I contradict myself, then I conradict myself; I am large, I contain multitudes.” I like to use that as a motto, because often I realize my own opinions can be contradictory, and that they change from circumstance to circumstance. That’s not to say one can’t have a cohesive set of moral values, but rather that change and dialogue are important inputs and require the maturity to accept that you always have room for new ideas.