I understand when people speak about the ethical problems with eating meat, but I think they do not apply to fish.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Depends on the perspective being considered:

    Are fish sentient? Yes.

    Are they very sentient, with lots of free-will? No.

    Does our current industry’s completely-gutting the marine food-chain have global consequences? Yes.

    How are we doing with respect to keeping that food-chain alive? Terrible: any species that becomes our industrial prey, gets reduced to 10% of its normal population within 1 decade.

    Cod used to live to be about 80y old, ttbomk, now they live to be 8, or less.

    The smashing of the coral-forests they breed in, at the bottom of the ocean, with dragger-nets ( falsely called “rock hoppers” ), means the cod-fishery collapsed & stayed collapsed, and all fisheries are “managed” like that, by lobbying to protect industrial-ignorance.

    Accountability won’t ever happen, because industry/money won’t tolerate that.

    There’s a ScientificallyTestablePrediction in the Christian bible, in Rev, that both terrestrial & marine food-chains collapse ( at the time of the “3rd Seal” ).

    That is going to happen this century, no matter what political/religious rabies goes rampaging where.

    All the political & religious & food-insecurity & ClimatePunctuation wars that we must enact in order to “manage” our unconscious-minds’ stress/fear/panic, and all of the nihilist malicious-actors ( China cyaniding other country’s seas, because those other countries are not breaking & obeying China, in recent news )…

    Morality is contextual.

    Personal-context can say 1 thing, or another, global context can be quite different.

    Buddha said that eating the flesh of another’s life was faulty because they never consented to be butchered/consumed, and that is true.

    I can’t remember what other reasons were given, that one stuck on me.

    I don’t eat any meat, or that aweful “Beyond Meat” or “Impossible Meat” stuff, because I can’t then reach the meditations I’m using to rip my continuum out from this world’s ideology-driven death-spasms, and remaining in this world, now, is indulging in being ground-to-hamburger, in my eyes.

    I want out.

    Eating meat of any kind blocks me from progressing on that through the meditations, exactly as the ancient rishis of India said.

    That tested to be true.

    You have to live with yourself, not with my conscience.

    You decide on your own morality: you have to live with it.

    I’ve never bothered learning the “precepts” or any of the other stuff of AwakeSoulism/Buddhism: I care about results, not about dogma.

    What tests to be true, that is worth relying-on, for me.

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