• ettyblatant@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    No matter what, if you love somebody, tell them as often as you can. Say it every time you say goodbye. Don’t let someone walk away when you’ve both said nasty, hurtful things. If you are putting off seeing someone, or calling someone, just do it.

    You cant take ANY of that back. And you’ll never forgive yourself.

    • MudSkipperKisser@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Yeah but also remember the important thing is the totality of the relationship, not one thing you said in an angry instant. Yes we should try to always let the people we love know how much we love them and how important they are to us but also give ourselves grace for being human. I remember being 16 or 17 driving my dad to the airport for a flight and I was mad at him for something and when he got out of the car my heart sink to my stomach in fear that could be my last interaction. I reversed quickly, got out of the car and ran to hug him and said I was sorry, I didn’t want him to leave that way. He made a point then of explaining that what truly matters is the totality of the relationship, not the last angry thing I said that was a blip of our lives. He knew how much I loved him and how important our relationship was and didn’t question it despite us arguing. He taught me so many amazing things, I miss him so much (he passed away many years later).