How much time have you spent being single?

If you’re currently single: is it by choice or circumstance?

Do you / did you enjoy single life?

What are / were the pros and cons?

Is / was partnership a goal of yours?

If you’re currently not single: Did your goals change after getting into a relationship?

What are the pros and cons?

    10 months ago

    Single about 25 years. I’m 71 and I absolutely love my life. I have lots of friends and a very active life, but I love coming home and being alone there. Before menopause I had a strong libido and terrible taste in men, so I had a lot of truly awful relationships, with endless drama.

    It’s kind of by choice I guess, though I don’t get offers. A few years ago a guy gave me the eye and I contemplated it, until I caught sight of his bare feet. Oh dear god no. Self-care is important mate, you need to see a podiatrist.

    The main con of being single for me is not enough hugs and cuddles. The pros are too many to give up for that though. I get to decide everything and make plans based on what I want. I can fart loudly, talk to my potplants and be lazy without Someone rolling their eyes, it’s bliss.

      10 months ago

      Hug and cuddle your friends and family! That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s awesome.

      And maybe I’m biased because of lacking experience, but a relationship where you don’t (except maybe initially) feel comfortable farting out loud seems unhealthy…

        10 months ago

        I do hug my friends (and family when they visit from far, far away), I’m very huggy. Cuddling is another level of intimacy though. I do miss it, a bit.

        My farts are so loud you probably heard me earlier and thought it was a car with engine trouble.