We all make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. But a few mistakes that I made in the past still haunt me. How do I overcome those?

  • iByteABit [he/him]@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’m not a psychologist but judging from what you say, you seem to be at the phase of acceptance.

    If you haven’t and still can, you should apologise to whoever you hurt, even if that’s yourself.

    Recognise what led you there, what where your thoughts and feelings that made you do it. Then try your hardest not to do it again.

    Don’t beat yourself up over it, everyone makes mistakes, big and small.

    Let the mistake change you for the better, mistakes are the best and most effective teachers if you decide to listen to them.

    Move on, but make sure to understand and forgive yourself and to let the mistake improve you.