I have been waking up early since past 3 days and getting ~6hrs sleep on average. All 3 days, my brain’s power has last longer and feels like it got “overclocked”. I am able to take in lots of information, have more energy to talk to people(almost makes me think I’m might not be introverted) etc. I feel like a different person all together.

What is happening? I have no issues sleeping, I just had to wake up early and sleep late due to stuff.

  • Beardsley@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    “Okay, look, I understand this may be presenting as if I am in a manic episode, I get it. And I get that I have pulled every item from the storage room and am now in the process of reorganizing the entire basement. And yes, it is 3 A.M., but I really don’t see how that is relevant. Honestly, have you considered that I am going to need a lot more space to keep all the wood I just found on the side of the road? I swear, it’s like you don’t support my much-loved woodworking hobby I started 6 hours ago.”

    "Oooh, you know what? I’m going to give in and just build an extension to the garage for a new workshop. No, I don’t know how to build anything, but I have resources and it can’t be that difficult. It’ll be done in three days, I really feel like you underestimate just how motivated of a person I am. "

    Two weeks later, I’m hyper-ventilating in the fetal position on the floor of my closet when the city cops come out to say something has to be done with the rotting shit-wood awkwardly slapped together and nailed to the side of the garage.

    • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      This is the kind of shit I would get up to back when I was a hardcore alcoholic. Not as in depth as actually starting an addition into the house but yeah I hear you. I would get like 10% done with some major project, neglect everything that actually mattered in life entirely, and likely forget all about it.