I see a lot of posts lately, mainly in ‘world news’ communities, that when I investigate their source, I cannot come to any other conclostion that purposefully spreading of fake news and propaganda on lemmy.

I love this platform and want to see it thrive, but the fact that these kind of posts can so easily populate my feed is disturbing.

  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmus.org
    1 year ago

    It comes back to the same problems we have always had, governments/corporations pushing whatever they can to accomplish what they want.

    It is now more apparent than ever that many stories are lies.

    Which results in more wars ans censorship, you don’t have to believe me on any of this, you just need to look at the leaks of the past decades.

    When exposing crimes gets you blacklisted, Julian Assange and many more before him, you know that the government is as corrupt as any other organizations.

    Criticial thinking and getting out of your bubble can help expand your views on subjects and topics.

    What are people talking about vs. what is not, what is being censored, who is beimg smeared for talking out of the status quo.

    In the end, it seems like a means to divide the people into tribal/group disputes. Instead, we should try and come together on what we agree on.