In any way you know of. I find people here are more aware of politics and ethics behind big companies and this is what prompted my question but I’m also curious about any other differences.

I’m in Australia and I’ve only used Ebay and AliExpress so far. I find AliExpress has more variety and somewhat cheaper prices but I don’t know why or anything else.

When I first heard about Temu it was always in relation to dodgy products and sex toys so I didn’t pay much attention to it, however lately I keep hearing about people buying regular stuff without issues. Never tried it myself though.

    2 months ago
    • Ebay is owned by Paypal or vice versa. That should tell you a lot. They’re a last resort for me. Always buy from actual consumers, not companies.

    • Aliexpress takes forever and will change the price will nilly from when you are looking and place the order. If it’s a cheap item, it’s not much usually. Always check on what what you buy after you purchase in case it never comes or comes incorrectly. There is a time limit and they don’t let you know. I buy from them once every other month or so.

    • Temu looks shady as fuck so I never tried them.

      2 months ago

      Ebay might be owned by PayPal, but you are buying from real actual people. I’ve bought a lot of corporate surplus server equipment on Ebay. It’s not coming from a random supplier in China or a giant warehouse in the US. Most of my money (minus listing fees) is going to a small business that refurbishes old equipment.

      I have bought equipment on Ebay and driven to a small recycling company one city over to pick it up in person.

      1 month ago

      eBay and PayPal were independent companies. eBay purchased them in 2002 and spun them off in 2016.

      I have low hundreds of transactions on eBay and am generally pretty OK with the experience. I don’t understand how people sell on there, especially new products. eBay takes a pretty big slice of the pie, followed by PayPal and friends. Buyers expect free shipping, which also eats into margins. If you choose to charge for shipping, eBay will also take the same commission percentage out of shipping costs. This means you still lose $$ shipping, but you are losing less than you would otherwise.

      Selling used stuff makes a lot more sense financially, but eBay will almost always side with the buyer should a dispute occur and not all buyers are good faith actors. This keeps buyers coming to the platform, but it is hard on sellers.