This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.
I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.
Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.
Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?
I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)
I want to use free open source software, and if I were a business customer I would certainly want my business to use free open source software when reasonable.
If all we’re doing is sharing files and messaging each other, I don’t know why we would need Teams. There are so many other options that work quite well.
I don’t hate it, but I don’t think it would typically solve my problems in ways that other software doesn’t already do better.