This was a triumph.
I’m making a note here:
Huge success!
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction
Aperture Science:
“We do what we must because we can”For the good of all of us…
Except the ones who are dead
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
Highway to Hell
Crub your enthusiasm theme song
lmaooo yes, perfect
Well it’s got to be Frank Turner’s “Eulogy” innit?
Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut
Not everyone was born to be a king
Not everyone can be Freddie Mercury
But everyone can raise their glass and sing
Well I haven’t always been a perfect person
Well I haven’t done what mum and dad had dreamed
But on the day I die, I’ll say at least I fucking tried
That’s the only eulogy I need
Yakety sax.
Ha ha, that would be my choice too, to wind my friends up. That or Jeff Buckley singing Dido’s Lament, everyone weeping into their hankies. “Remember me, remember me, but oh forget my fate…”
Nah, Yacketty Sax!
Don’t fear the reaper, obviously.
Great choice. Such a good song and oddly calming.
directed by:
Robert B. Weide
RIP Richard Lewis
My Way by Sinatra
Anything by tropical fuck storm. Maybe “it’s getting boring by the sea” by blood red shoes.
I don’t think I can pick one. I don’t know if that means I don’t know myself or I know myself too well.
“The egg and I” by the seatbelts?
That’s pretty good
You’re gonna carry that weight
Wow. I’ve never encountered someone mentioning tropical fuck storm in the wild.
Kansas - Dust in the Wind