Wii Shop Channel music fuckin’ slaps.
Ocarina of time: Gerudo town theme.
If you want something similar August Burns Red (a metalcore band) does an acoustic version of their song ‘internal cannon’ and it gives me strong gerudo valley vibes, skip to 1:50 in and see what i mean.
Outset Island from Wind Waker. I used to leave the game on to just take in the music and ocean sounds
I feel like Outset is inspired by Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony
“Hydrogen” by M.O.O.N. (from Hotline Miami).
Zelda, Link to the Past main outside theme.
Just getting the mail would sound like an adventure.
Diabolo 1 town theme had a very particular atmospheric feel to it. Both relaxing and moody. It betrays some hidden evil.
Littleroot town theme from Pokemon R/S/E
Mass Effect 1 citadel
Mass Effect 1 Noveria
Tristram from Diablo I
also literally everything Darren Korb does for supergiant games. I have moments in each of their games where I stop playing and listen to a song.
The Tristram theme still unlocks some long-buried neuron activation for me and I haven’t played Diablo 1 in probably 20 years. But that and Griswold’s “What can I do fer ya?” are baked into my memory permanently.
Diablo 1 was best Diablo. Look up DevilutionX
Best music, great atmosphere. But I’d say 2+Baal perfected a lot of systems. Then they threw it in the garbage for D3, I never even checked out D4.
I assumed that 3 was trash and 4 would be too, but I don’t have a phone so I wouldn’t know
Sim City 3000 soundtrack.
Wipes tear from eye.
i prefer 2000’s
4’33 - John Cage, such a banger of a song.
4’33 - John Cage
Isn’t that literally silence?
edit: That’s silence, you asshole! :p
That song lives rent free in my head.
Tinnitus adds a bit of flavor to it
Grandia 2 OST track 8. Mirumu. The town where the girl is the evil eye 0.o
Anything from Machinariun. One of my favorite games ever; art style, problem solving, homage to video games, but the music ties it all together in such a beautiful way. One of the outside problems involves helping a group of musicians get their stolen instruments back who then play a different rhythm and melody for you when you pass through.
Terraria town day theme.
Lookout Landing from Tears of The Kingdom is both relaxing and reassuring to me.
Not a “town” per se, but a camp setting in Pikmin 4. Something about this song just instantly relaxes me and makes me reminisce about hot afternoon summer barbeques.