My Entire Life.
I never had friends, only acquaintances.
I consider my cat a friend, but she doesn’t feel the same way… 😓
Hey, guess what, isolating your child from society and trapping them in a 12-person class with only 2 people they can actually have conversations with and a bully who isolates your child from talking to those two people isn’t going to magically give your child social skills they actually had before you locked them away. Oh, right, nothing happened, the child just has Puzzle Piece™.
What does having puzzle piece mean? I’m not familiar with the term.
Common symbol for autism.
Heh, similar story here. I haven’t had a friend since highschool, 25 years ago…
I haven’t had any friends that are actually in my life since 2009.
About 25 years so far. Recently went to one of my oldest friends’ funerals.
I’m only 45.
About 2-3 years
I transferred to another city and made a new friend just for them to die in a car crash two weeks later
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The way i see it, I went from 2018 to 2021 with no real friends. Sure, I had an irl ttrpg group, but I felt more lonely around them than when I was actually alone.
I have friends around in other places, and where I live now, but things just are different in adulthood. On one hand, I can and do connect with some of these people occasionally. On the other hand, it’s not like my early life where every day I was around peers and hanging out with people. I’ve kind of adjusted to this and enjoy my solitude.
Going on 18 years now, don’t really miss it. It’s kind of freeing not having to worry about anyone else’s problems and worries. I can keep myself.entertained.
Probably about 20 years
I have never been without friends. There have been a few times when I didn’t have any that were close by, but I kept in touch. There is one person who’s been a close friend for 45 years now.
I have noticed that it’s gotten much harder to find friends over the last few decades. Our society has changed in ways that make it harder to meet people and harder to get to know them. Online can be a good start but it’s very difficult to progress from that.
Putting yourself in situations where you meet and interact with people, in person, definitely helps, but that’s not easy for introverts like me.
Probably something like the first 1-2 years of my life.
As long as I can remember Ive always had friends and my current best friends Ive had for the past 15-18 years, since school.
I know not everyone is this lucky and I am very grateful for how my life turned out.Good chunks of my youth. When I look back I think, those kids were not your friends.
Never really had any
I’ll be your friend.
So far? Since February 15, 2018. The dearest friend I’ve ever had died that day. Both of us 29. I always said if I had been straight I’d have married her. I feel like some part of me died with her.