I will say that one example for all is Abba’s “Mamma Mia” which I interpreted the beginning of chorus “Mamma mia, we are collagen” and the beginning of the second part of it “He’ll something broken hardly”. Don’t ask past me why I had to make it about intercellular matrix.
Blinded by the light . To me it always just sounds like he is saying dressed up like a douche , I can’t even remember what the actual lyrics are.
Revved up like a Deuce, another runner in the night.
I always hear “ripped up like a douche”
I always heard wrapped up like a douche another roamer in the night
Don’t tell your friends about the tour bus.
I left some brains down in Africa.
She was a fax machine she kept her modem clean.
She was a fax machine she kept her modem clean.
That’s a legit start to a Weird Al song right there!
… She was the best damn printer that I EVER seen!
Real lyrics? I guess the second is Toto’s famous ‘I bless the rains down in Africa’, but the others?
The third one is AC/DC. You shook me all night long.
The first is “don’t tell your friends about the two of us” from I’m not in love, 10cc.
Might just be my humour, but I do wonder why he didn’t their friends to know about the tour bus. What did he do it it?
The last one was already guessed - AC /DC - You shook me all night long.
Dirty Jeans and the Thunder Chief
Thunder cheeks works as well and is dirtier.
I’m suddenly feeling revved up like a douche.
“I’m blue, da ba de da ba die…”
“I’m blue, I would beat off a guy…”
You’ll hear that every time now, you’re welcome.
A Seattle radio station had a PSA at the time after listener feedback: “He is not saying ‘I’m in need of a guy’… not that there’s anything wrong with that kind of lifestyle”.
Blinded by the light - Bruce Springsteen
“Like a douche in the night”
I was all set to correct you. Never realized the Manfred Mann version was a cover.
Jimi Hendrix - “‘scuse me while I kiss this guy!”
That one Taylor Swift song about being Starbucks Lovers
Omg. I thought I was the only one that heard that!
Even on Taylor’s Version, it still sounds like “Starbucks Lovers”.
Blank Space. And she does have a ‘lovely Starbucks lovers’, as least as I first heard it. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s actually a ‘long list of ex lovers’.
Holy shit… Are you telling me it’s not “gotta love those Starbucks lovers, they’ll tell you I’m insane?”
I have a serious problem with understanding lyrics in songs. I look them up when I don’t quite understand what is being said and I realize I didn’t even fully comprehend half of the verses to begin with. It’s like musical dyslexia or something.
It’s really common, it’s not just you. Singers sing much more indistinctly than they talk, and it’s common enough it’s been given a name.
Digital Monsters
Digimon Garlic Champions
There was a series of bumps for Digimon marathons during the summer once when I was a kid that went
“Beat the heat with a digi-beat.”
My siblings and friends and I would instead say “beat your meat with a parakeet.” I still sometimes think about it and hum it to myself lol
Hold me closer, Tony Danza / Countin’ head lice on the highway.
I was almost 25, in the 1990s, singing along in my car to Elton John, confidently belting out “"Love, I feel it in my hands, I can tell by the things I would do with another man”" when I suddenly realized that it was unlikely a guy would have a hit song about what he’d do with a guy in the 60s or 70s. Even as a little kid I’d known Elton John was gay, and hadn’t really been brought up to think that was weird (thank you, mom and dad and your theater friends) .
I looked up the lyrics and it’s love lies bleeding in my hands, it kills me to think of you with another man and the name of the fucking song is love lies bleeding, I didn’t know that either.
🎼 Blinded by the light / Wrapped up like a douche / A motor homer in the night 🎶
The actual lyrics are:
Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night
the deuce is a car BTW for anyone curious.
I thought it was ‘Blinded by the light, when I’m like this, you’re the one I trust’. Which song are you referencing? Not Blinding Lights by the Weekend?
Blinded By the Light by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
My wife thought it was
“All we are is ducks in the wind”
-dust in the wind
This is just delightful.
ZZ Top - Pearl Necklace. I always hear “she wanna pearl necklace” as “she wanna put on Netflix”.